Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Your Dog May Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Service Animal Certification Services
We Can Help You Keep Your Dog
Contact Us Today!
Certify Your Dog As A Service Animal
Do Not Give Up Your Dog!
No Pet Rent - No Pet Deposits - No Restrictions
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Certify your Dog as a Service Animal
Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions.
You Don't Have To Be "Disabled" To Have A Service Animal
If you believe you have any health issue, you probably qualify.
Most Dogs Qualify As Service Animals
If your dog comes when called, he probably qualifies.
Humane Rescue Society Recommends K9 Service Animals
They will work with you to certify your dog as a service animal.
Do Not Give Up Your Dog!
No Pet Rent - No Pet Deposits - No Restrictions
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Get A Free Pre-Screening & Find Out If You Qualify
Contact Us for Free Pre-Screening
We Can Help Anyone... Keep Any Dog!

Free Pre-Screening

Check Box To Find Out If You Qualify:

Most Dogs Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Service Animal Certifications
No Pet Rent
No Pet Deposits
No Pet Restrictions
Get Help & Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions
Humane Rescue Society Store & Donation Center
Sign-up Below for A K9 Service Animal Certification Evaluation in the Store:
We Will Help You Certify Your Dog As A Service Animal Certifications
Humane Rescue Society Recommends

Humane Rescue Society provides resources to dog owners facing a break-up of their canine family due to changes in living arrangements. 

We believe landlords should not be allowed to dictate who is in your family or charge you extra fees for each canine family member. 

Our hope is that with our help canine housing discrimination will be eradicated.

Humane Rescue Society works with other nonprofit organizations to maximize resources, services and assistance for dog owners in order to save dogs as fast as we can.

Housing restrictions on dogs can break-up a canine's family. 

Humane Rescue Society recommends as a remedy to help people retain ownership of their dogs even when they have to rent a place to live.

Setting the Standard in Service Animal Evaluations
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
No Pet Rent - No Pet Deposits - No Restrictions
Humane Rescue Society Services Can Save Your Dog
Free Pre-Screening
Easy Qualification
Rental Housing Assistance
Single Donation
Monthly Contributions
Vehicle or Land Gifts
Adoptions & Re-homing
Foster Care
Long-term Boarding
Health & Diet
Training & Behavior
Resources & Supplies
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Humane Rescue Society:
Adoption Counseling
Rescue Services
Retention Options
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
Resource Referrals
Nonprofit Organization
We Help You Save the Animals You Love.
Our Referral Services Include:
Service Animal Certification
Service Animal Registry Services
Landlord/Rental Agency Mediation
Consultation Services
Health & Training Resources
Get the Support You Need!
Specializing in Sick, Elderly and End of Life Care for Dogs.
We also provide information regarding training, nutrition, and trouble shooting unwanted behaviors
through an understanding of the dogs behavior combined with quality nutrition and sufficient exercise.
Better Support & Resources for Your Dog.
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
No Pet Rent -- No Pet Deposits -- No Restrictions
Qualify Your Dog for Rental Housing Exemptions
Dogs have the same feelings you have.
How would you feel
if your family
took you to prison
& abandoned you?
Save Your Dog from the Animal "Shelters"
Animal Shelters are crowded, noisy, cold and scary places for dogs.
Taking your dog to the shelter will likely not save their lives.
Most of the dogs taken to shelters will be killed. 
Some No-Kill shelters will give dogs to labs to be tortured by experiments
Your Dog's Life Depends on You... Not A Shelter!
Certify Your Dog As A Service Animal
Qualify For Rental Housing Exemptions
Better Support to Help You Save Animals
Enjoy the Testimonials About Some of the Dogs That Have Been Saved
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
Help for Dogs
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
Humane Rescue SocietyTM
No Pet Rent --- No Pet Deposits --- No Restrictions
Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Email Support Specializing in Sick, Elderly & End of Life Care for Dogs
We also provide information regarding training, nutrition, and trouble shooting unwanted behaviors
through an understanding of the dogs behavior combined with quality nutrition & sufficient exercise
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
We Can Help Anyone... Keep Any Dog!
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
No Pet Rent --- No Pet Deposits --- No Restrictions
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Nonprofit Organization
Help Dig Us Out of the Hole!
You Can Save A Life!
Help for Dogs!
100% of all donations buys
food & health products for
sick, elderly, disabled &
special needs dogs.
Humane Rescue Society is a Nonprofit Association Dedicated to Helping Dogs!
The Humane Rescue Society Donation Fund
The Humane Rescue Society has established a donation fund
to provide assistance to sick, elderly & disabled dogs.
Dogs with health conditions require extra time and attention
that can be costly and hard to manage. 
With the assistance that the Humane Rescue Society provides,
many dogs are able to lead longer healthier lives with their families. 
Humane Rescue Society
Humane Rescue Society works to develop, foster, & promote a nationwide network of resources
 to help dog owners that need services, support & supplies to provide the best care for their dogs.
Humane Rescue Society Mission:  Help Dog Owners Provide Complete, Continuous & Compassionate Care
Humane Rescue Society Vision:  Keep Dogs with Their Owners & Save Dogs from Going to Kill Shelters
We Focus on Community Outreach
& Provide  Valuable Services to
All Dog Owners in Need
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Don't Give Up Your Dog!
Housing Restrictions
Training Issues
Health Problems
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Click Buy Now for Free Screening
Certify your Dog as a Service Animal
Making Humane Rescues for A Better Society
Best Resource For All Dog Health & Training Needs
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Consultation Services
Specialized Programs for
Sick, Disabled, Elderly & End of Life Care
Customized Health & Diet Programs
K9 Health Care Resources
Experienced Consultants Provide Information Regarding
Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Get the Support You Need!
Click Below on My Picture to See Me Up Close
Most Dogs Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions