Service Animal Certification Testimonials Pg. 2
Humane Rescue Society recommends K9 Service
for Service Animal Certification
Do Not Give Up Your Dog!

Housing Restrictions - Training Issues - Health Problems
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Humane Rescue Society Helped These Dogs Get Their
Service Animal Certification
You were right! After Rusty was certified
he was exempt from all pet policies & fees.
Now, he is free to go with me anywhere.
Thanks for all your help!” Belinda S.
Name: Rusty
Age: 5 years
Breed: Hound Mix
Help Request: “My boyfriend's apartment manager told me that I was not allowed to bring my dog, Rusty, to my boyfriend's apartment, or he would evict him for violating his lease.
Can Humane Rescue Society help resolve this issue with the apartment complex, so I can continue visiting my boyfriend?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Belinda had knee problems making carrying any amount of weight a painful task. Rusty helped Belinda carry things she needed and helped her get out of chairs and cars. Belinda visited her boyfriend nearly everyday and, of course, that meant Rusty did too. Belinda had never been confronted about Rusty's status before and was unaware of the advantages of classifying him as a service animal instead of a regular pet.
HRS Services: Humane Rescue Society explained that, since Rusty was used to assist Belinda with activities that affected a major life function, Rusty was not just a pet but a necessary aid for Belinda, and he would qualify as a service animal, according to the ADA. Humane Rescue Society recommended that Rusty be certified as a service animal by K9 Service Animals; so that, he could qualify for exemption to her boyfriend's apartment pet policy.
Results: Belinda certified Rusty as a service animal with K9 Service Animals and presented her certification documents to her boyfriend's apartment management. Rusty became exempt from the apartment's pet policy and was allowed to continue assisting Belinda without any further objections from the apartment management. Now, Belinda is able to take Rusty anywhere she needs to go with out being restricted from any public areas (where people without service animals are allowed to go).
No Pet Rent -- No Pet Deposits -- No Restrictions
Qualify Your Dog for Rental Housing Exemptions
Name: Henry
Age: 6 years
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Help Request: “I have to move out of my house ASAP and need to find temporary foster care for my large dog until I can find housing that accepts him. Can you help?”
Answer: Yes, we can help you find housing that accepts large dogs now!
Client History: Due to an unexpected change Henry's owner, Micky, needed to find rental housing fast. However, he quickly realized that many places did not allow dogs. Micky, was under a lot of pressure to find housing and was worried that he would soon be forced to choose between his loyal helper and basic shelter when he reached out to Humane Rescue Society for help.
HRS Services: After discussing Micky's situation, we discovered that Henry sometimes provided balance and stability when Micky needed to get up or down. Therefore, according to the ADA, Henry was not just a pet but a necessary aid for his owner in some activities that affected his major life functions. Humane Rescue Society put Micky in touch with
Results: In less than a week, Henry was certified as a service animal. As, a certified service animal Henry was exempt from all housing pet policies and allowed to live in all rental housing without paying any pet deposits or fees. Micky found housing fast without the need for foster care because Henry continued living with Micky and assisting him without extra cost or restriction thanks to his service animal certification from
I never would have imagined that Henry would qualify as a service dog, but thank God he does because I could not find any affordable housing that allowed large dogs.
Thanks for all your help! Micky C.
You Don't Have To Be "Disabled" To Have A Service Animal
If you believe you have any health issue, you probably qualify.
Name: Freckles
Age: 2 years
Breed: Rough Coat Collie Shepard Mix
Help Request: “I am considering putting Freckles up for adoption because my condo Homeowners Association has threatened to fine me and have me kicked out of the condo if I do not give up my dog now. Can you help?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Freckles owner, Kathy, was a young woman who received a warning notice that her dog was in violation of the weight limits of her condo's pet policy. Freckles was not supposed to grow over 30lbs, but he did not know that and continued to grow up to 45lbs. Kathy was reluctant to loose her dog, because she used Freckles to assist her around the house with mobility issues like getting up and down and bending over to reach things on the floor because of back pain Kathy also took Freckles to the store with her so he could carry her personal items and medication in his dog backpack.
HRS Services: Humane Rescue Society explained that since Freckles was used to assist her with activities that affected her major life functioning he qualified as a service animal. Humane Rescue Society recommended that Freckles be certified as a service animal by K9 Service Animals; so that, he could qualify for exemption to her condo's pet policy.
Results: Kathy certified Freckles as a service animal with K9 Service Animals. She presented her certification document and letter to her condo office and they made Freckles exempt from the condo pet policy weight requirement. Freckles was allowed to continue living with and assisting Kathy without any further objection from the condo office administration.
The application process is quick and easy and the whole situation was resolved in less than a week.  Thanks for the help!” Kathy R.
Most Dogs Qualify As Service Animals
If your dog comes when called, he probably qualifies.
Name: Snowball
Age: 3 years
Breed: Eskimo
Help Request:My doctor will not recommend a service animal but I know Snowball helps me. Can you help me get Snowball certified as a service animal without a doctor's recommendation?”
Answer: Yes, a doctor's recommendation is not needed to certify a service animal.
Client History: Snowball's owner, Amanda, was desperate for help. “My landlord said that if I do not provide him with a doctor's note for a service animal I will be evicted from my home with only two weeks notice. Moving your whole house in less than two weeks is nearly impossible especially with a dog. I don't know what to do. My landlord said he would not allow me to have a dog because he thought that I did not need a service animal. He said no one needs a service dog for asthma and treated me like I was lying to him. My landlord kept demanding to see doctor's notes and service animal paperwork. He said that without paperwork I was in violation of my lease and that he was going to take action against me.”
HRS Services: Even though Amanda did not have an apparent disability, we explained to her that, according to the ADA, it did not matter what her landlord thought about her condition. Snowball was a service animal because Snowball helped with her condition. Snowball was trained to wear a pack and to come when signaled with a clicker. He brought Amanda her inhaler, that was in his pack, during an asthma attack when it was difficult for her to move because she could not breath. This was a textbook case and Snowball was a textbook service animal. If Amanda's landlord demanded paperwork, then HRS would help her get the paperwork she needed to resolve the situation.
Results: With Amanda's permission, Humane Rescue Society contacted K9 Service Animals to assist Amanda with the certification process. The whole service animal certification process was completed quickly and easily. Snowball received his certification in less than 48 hours and Amanda's landlord was forced to stop harassing her and allow Snowball to continue living with her in peace.
Luckily a friend referred me to Humane Rescue Society and they helped me get Snowball certified as a service animal quick without a doctor's recommendation.
Thanks Humane Rescue Society!” Amanda P.
They will work with you to certify your dog as a service animal.
Certify your Dog as a Service Animal
Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions.
Name: Ginger
Age: 5 years
Breed: Golden Retriever
Help Request: “As a single mother, I can not afford additional pet deposits and continuous hikes in pet rent every year. Can you help me re-home my dog since I can not afford to move or pay extra deposits and fees?”
Answer: No need to re-home because... We can help you keep your dog!
Client History: Ginger's owner, Tammy, felt that giving up her dog was her only option. “I initially paid a pet deposit for my dog Ginger, and my apartment complex kept raising the pet rent. When I went in to renew my lease the new management company said that they had changed the pet policy and the new pet deposit was now an additional $400, but I don't have an additional $400.” Tammy was told Ginger would have to leave if she decided to stay living there and did not pay the expensive extra pet fees which is why Tammy began looking for help to re-home Ginger. While discussing her housing situation, Tammy told us that, due to neck/back stiffness and cramping from working on the computer, she had difficulties that were not obvious or apparent to an outside observer. Tammy often got stiff in bed at night and used Ginger for extra support while getting up in morning. Sometimes Tammy needed extra support in the evenings when she was really tired.
HRS Services: Humane Rescue Society explained to Tammy that Ginger would probably qualify for Service Animal Certification. Tammy was concerned that Ginger would not be accepted as a service animal because of previously paid pet deposits & fees. We explained that a dog's service animal status could change at any time and that, after Ginger was certified, she would be exempt from any future pet deposits or fees. Tammy also thought that because her physical restrictions were mild, intermittent and undiagnosed that she would not qualify to have a service animal. Humane Rescue Society explained that this was not true and that Service Animal Certification was a good option for her situation. With Tammy's permission, we contacted K9 Service Animals to initiate their certification process.
Results: Tammy worked with K9 Service Animals to have Ginger certified. Since Ginger was already being used to perform specific tasks that related to Tammy's neck & back problems, she was able to get her Service Animal Certification in less than a week. Now, Tammy is able to live in her same apartment without any extra fees or deposits, regardless of their pet policies.
Thank you Humane Rescue Society. Not only did you help me keep my dog without moving but I no longer have to pay pet rent and I was refunded my pet deposit.
Best Dog Rescue Ever!” Tammy G.
Certify Your Dog as a Service Animal
Thanks Humane Rescue Society &
K9 Service Animals.
You have made everything easier
for me and Luna!” - Michael P.
Name: Luna
Age: 7 years
Breed: Shepard Mix
Help Request:I have anxiety issues when I am without my dog and want to take my dog on my trip to Vegas.
Can I get my dog certified as a service animal to take her into the hotels and casinos?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: Traveling, social interactions, busy places & new people were all things that gave Michael anxiety. Fortunately for Michael, Luna was able to keep him calm in almost every situation which is why he wanted to take her everywhere. When Michael had to travel to Las Vegas for a family reunion, he naturally wanted to take Luna with him; so that, he would experience less anxiety while attending all the family's events. Unfortunately, many of the casino hotels would not allow dogs or wanted to charge him expensive fees.
HRS Services: Luckily, Micheal’s research led him to Humane Rescue Society, and we were able to help. We contacted K9 Service Animals and explained Micheal and Luna's situation. K9 Service Animals agreed that they could qualify for Service Animal Certification.
Results: Luna received her Service Animal Certification; and, now, Michael is able to take Luna anywhere he needs to go without being charged extra fees or being restricted from any public areas (where people without service animals are allowed to go). Michael took Luna on his Vegas trip and stayed with her at the casino of his choice. He also took Luna around to all the casinos, restaurants, Vegas stage shows and special events without any problems, fees, or restrictions. When Michael returned home, he also found that his Service Animal Certification opened up housing options to him. When Michael was ready to relocate, he had a much easier time finding appropriate affordable housing for him and Luna.
Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions
Name: Sophia
Age: 4 years
Breed: Rough Coat Collie
Help Request: “I have never been officially diagnosed with depression and do not take any medications.
Do you think my dog and I would qualify to get service animal papers?”
Answer: Yes!
Client History: “I always felt some sadness hanging over me until the day I found Sophia. Sophia made me feel happy, and she distracted me from the sadness that had dominated my activities for a long time. I do not want to give up this happiness when I go to work, out in public and especially not in my own house. But, many apartment complexes say they do not allow companion animals and will only accept dogs with service animal papers.” Beth M.
HRS Services: When Beth contacted Humane Rescue Society, we explained the difference between companion animals and service animals. We also explained that regardless of any official diagnosis Sophia would probably qualify as a service animal. With Beth's permission, we contacted K9 Service Animals to initiate their certification process. Beth worked with K9 Service Animals to have Sophia certified; and, since Sophia had already been trained by Beth to perform specific tasks that related to her depression, she was able to get her certification in less than a week.
Results: Sophia received her Service Animal Certification, and Beth is able to live in any apartment she wants without any extra pet fees or deposits, regardless of their pet or companion animal policies. Now, Beth can take Sophia anywhere she needs to go with out being restricted from any public areas (where people without service animals are allowed to go).
Thanks soooooo much. You made finding an apartment normal again.” - Beth M.
Get Help with Service Animal Certifications
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Saving Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Thanks for helping us keep
Sean's guardian angel.
I am grateful to you everyday.” Eileen O.
Name: Clyde
Age: 6 years
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Help Request: Finding housing with a large dog is very difficult. Even when they are allowed, the pet rent and deposits are unreasonable and out of our price range. Can you please help us find affordable pet friendly housing for my family?
Answer: Yes, we can help you find affordable housing for your family and your dog!
Client History: Eileen's husband needed to find work, so her family was relocating to another city on a tight budget. She was worried about the cost of the move and how it would affect her son and his dog. She shared with us that her child was autistic with ADHD and that her son had a real connection with their dog, Clyde. “The thought of my son losing his best friend because of housing rules is unthinkable.” After discussing with Eileen her child’s' situation, we learned that Clyde help her son, Sean, so much it seemed to be a miracle. Clyde helped Sean with anxiety, fits of rage, balance and companionship problems. Clyde and Sean had become inseparable over the past two years. They did everything together and Sean had shown so many improvements as a result, it was hard for Eileen to express all of Clyde's positive effects on Sean's life.
HRS Services: Humane Rescue Society helped Eileen to understand what a service animal is and how Clyde qualified for certification. Humane Rescue Society explained to Eileen how she could use a Service Animal Certification with housing management companies to qualify for exemptions to pet policies, pet fees & deposits.
Results: After helping Eileen contact K9 Service Animals, Clyde received his service animal certification. Now Clyde can go with Sean anywhere. Not only is Clyde allowed in any housing, but he can also go with Sean to school, doctors' offices, or anywhere he is needed.
Humane Rescue Society Saves Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Choose from the different types of  K9 Testimonials below:
Health Consultation Testimonials
Behavior Consultation Testimonials
Service Animal Certification Testimonials
Better Support & Resources for Your Dog.
Dogs Helped with Service Animal Certifications from
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
K9 Service Health Consultation Testimonials
These Dogs were Helped with Health Consultation Services from
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Lancelot
Breed: Golden Shepard
Lancelot had a large tumor on the outside of his rib cage and his kidneys were beginning to fail.  He was not eating his food and drank very little water.  Things did not look good for Lancelot and his condition was rapidly deteriorating when The Humane Rescue Society was contacted for help. 

The Humane Rescue Society consulted with Lancelot's owner about his conditions and quickly recommended some diet changes and some diet additions that were able to fully reverse Lancelot's kidney problems and began to reduce his tumor size.  Lancelot began eating and drinking again.  His energy level returned to normal and he lived for another four years. 

The Humane Rescue Society assisted Lancelot again when he required end of life care and he spent everyday of his life fully active until his last hours that he spent peacefully trancending this life in the arms of his family.

Specializing in Sick, Elderly and End of Life Care for Dogs.
We also provide information regarding training, nutrition, and trouble shooting unwanted behaviors
through an understanding of the dogs behavior combined with quality nutrition and sufficient exercise.
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Shelby
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Snowball was nearly deaf, almost blind and his lungs were congested with fluid causing him to weeze after eating or when he was cold.  Snowball ate very little food and drank very little water.  Many experts did not want to address these conditions because Blackie was 13 years old and they often suggested that nothing could be done to ease the suffering of such an old dog. Luckily Snowball's owner kept searching for some relief for his good friend and contacted The Humane Rescue Society for help. 

The Humane Rescue Society consulted with 
Snowball's owner about his conditions and quickly recommended some diet changes and some diet additions that helped to expell the excess mucus in Snowball's lungs and eliminate his congestion.  Snowball began eating and drinking more tan ever before.  His eyesight and hearing were improved and he lived to be 16 years old. 

The Humane Rescue Society assisted
Snowball again when he required end of life care and he spent everyday of his life fully active until his last hours that he spent peacefully trancending this life in the arms of his family.
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Roxy
Breed: Dachshund
RD was overweight with cateracts in both her eyes and a bladder infection.  Her kidneys and liver were beginning to fail and as a result of this weakened state she had been infested with mites.  RD was not processing her food properly and had an unquenchable thirst.  Her condition was rapidly deteriorating and seemed hopeless when The Humane Rescue Society was contacted for help.

The Humane Rescue Society consulted with RD's owner about her conditions and quickly recommended some diet changes and some diet additions that were able to fully reverse RD's kidney and liver problems.  Her bladder infection was cleared up within two weeks and her cateracts were minimized.  After a series of baths and topical oil applications the mite infestation was eliminated.  RD began processing her food and water normally again and lived for another three years.
The Humane Rescue Society assisted RD again
when she required end of life care and she spent everyday of her life fully active until her last hours that she spent peacefully trancending this life in the arms of her family.
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Fritz
Breed: Shepard Mix
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Chief
Breed: German Shepard
My Story is Coming Soon...
Name: Cosmo
Breed: Beagle Mix
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs As Fast As We Can!
Nonprofit Organization
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
Help for Dogs
100% of all donations buys
food, housing & health products
for sick, elderly, disabled and
special needs dogs.
Please Donate to the K9 Health Fund
The Humane Rescue Society Donation Fund
The Humane Rescue Society has established a donation fund
to provide assistance to sick, elderly & disabled dogs.
Dogs with health conditions require extra time and attention
that can be costly and hard to manage. 
With the assistance that the Humane Rescue Society provides,
many dogs are able to lead longer healthier lives with their families. 
Making Humane Rescues for A Better Society
Service Animal Certification Services
Certify Your Dog As A Service Animal
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Service Animal Certification Services
We Can Help You Keep Your Dog
Contact Us Today!
Your Dog May Qualify for Rental Housing Exemptions
Health & Training Consultation Services
Best Resource For All Dog Health & Training Needs
Humane Rescue Society Recommends
Consultation Services
Specialized Programs for
Sick, Disabled, Elderly & End of Life Care
Customized Health & Diet Programs
K9 Health Care Resources
Experienced Consultants Provide Information Regarding
Training, Nutrition & K9 Behavior
Get the Support You Need!
Superior Knowledge for Exceptional Results
Humane Rescue Society:
Adoption Counseling
Rescue Services
Retention Options
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
Resource Referrals
Nonprofit Organization
We Help You Save the Animals You Love.
Our Referral Services Include:
Service Animal Certification
Service Animal Registry Services
Landlord/Rental Agency Mediation
Consultation Services
Health & Training Resources
Get the Support You Need!
Humane Rescue Society Services Can Save Your Dog
Dogs have the same feelings you have.
How would you feel
if your family
took you to prison
& abandoned you?
Save Your Dog from the Animal "Shelters"
Animal Shelters are crowded, noisy, cold and scary places for dogs.
Taking your dog to the shelter will likely not save their lives.
Most of the dogs taken to shelters will be killed. 
Some No-Kill shelters will give dogs to labs to be tortured by experiments
Your Dog's Life Depends on You... Not A Shelter!
Better Support to Help You Save Your Dog
Humane Rescue Society
Nonprofit Organization
Help for Dogs
Housing Help
Training Tools
Health Services
Email Support
Sick Dog Fund
Humane Rescue Society
Saving Dogs as Fast as We Can!
Don't Give Up Your Dog!
Housing Restrictions
Training Issues
Health Problems
We Can Help You Keep Any Dog!
Below are the Testimonials about the Dogs that have been Saved